All the sectors are experiencing fast paced growth boosted by the technological advancements. Use of internet has changed not only the life styles of human beings but also the way of doing business. Technology with internet has become the backbone of every organization dealing in the 21st century. Medical sector is also not lagged behind. Introduction of technological and scientific advancement in medical sector has added more of patient health care into the scene. Introduction of EMR/EHR software based systems into the practice, software based billing services, advanced imaging technologies like PACS and DICOM, Hospital Information System etc. has brought a new era into the medical sector. All these facilities are there to help you and to value your time and money. You can easily opt for these widely available options across all the hospitals and clinics at your home province. Yet if you are looking for the service that you can use at the ease of your personal computer system and the cup of coffee, then a service like the web based EMR is something you are looking for.
So, looking for a web based health and nutrition service or a web based EMR! You might be looking for an online medical service that can suit your medical needs and health calls. Well! In such a situation a product from Google can help you lot. No it’s not the Gmail neither Orkut nor Chrome. It is Google Health, the web based EMR of your own. I said web based EMR in the sense that you can use this nice service from Google to manage your all health and nutrition related issues in the way an EMR system does. You can manage your personal health information in one place and in a systematic way. Accessing these data is even simpler than the feeding one because you can easily look for them in one specific place. This service from Google allows all the users with a Google ID and a password to own and manage a health profile by simply filing in the medical information after logging in. You can merge different health reports and x-ray reports, radiographs, ultra sound reports etc. into a centralized online Google Health profile. Medical record is the piece of information regarding your health and nutrition and complying with the HIPAA regulations you have the full right over it.
Google health apart from the ease of access comes with other benefits like the one through which it allows you to maintain up-to-date details about your physician or the doctor. Secondly, whenever you visit a new hospital or clinic you would not require doing the same paperwork again and again. Google health will help you in keeping an updated copy of your latest medical reports so that you can save your time by restraining from getting the same tests done again and again. Changing the location, changing the job would definitely not affect your medical records now onwards; you can access Google Health from a public internet café as well. Google Health acts in a way the web based EMR systems do and so helps in integration of various reports and information from different hospitals and labs in one defined place.
You don’t need to worry about the privacy of your data at Google Health. Just like the Gmail account you have, data at your Google health account would be more than safe.