When we think that, why the childhood of modern generation lasts till 30. Then, many questions and their reasons come in our mind. If we talk about the 20s of our parents and grandparents, then we find that the way of living and thinking is totally different from us. When they were 20-30 years old, they behave like an adult, self-sufficient and responsible people. And their important works are known as their responsibility. These responsibilities are such as nurture their children, earn money and take care of their family.
But the new generation doesn’t understand the meaning of responsibility Besides this They never think that they are adults. So, what’s the reason behind it. Why they don’t understand things like marriage, financial independence, career and purpose of life, and why these things have become the problems of their life?
There are some reasons that influence the maturity of the modern generation
Human Development in a New Way
When we return in 19s and 20s, we get that, there was not a word like teenagers, before 17 years old, the people treat them as a child as soon as they cross the 17, their family hands over the responsibilities of the whole family and force them to become financially independent.
A famous scientist “G. Stanley Hall” introduced people from the teenagehood. He was the first person, who describes the mental situation and the mental ability of a teenager. He showed many connections between the child and their age.
And after that time, the people have been changed their view to see the child, who is 14 to 18 years old, as a teenager. And the people who are struggling in their career at the age of 20 to 30, they are not adults, actually, they are a young adult. And all these changes occurred in the 20s. That’s the reason in the 21st century till the age of 30 even 35, people understand them, they are in their young adult age. And till the age of 24, they are considered as teenagers.
The anticipation of Life has increased
In the arrival of 20s, people think that their life span was about 40-50 years. So passing the 30 to 35 years, only enjoying yourself is not good for them. As a result, they think, they have not sufficient time to enjoy their life. In fact, they want to do all the things like marriage, career, and everything as fast as possible. That’s the reason, earlier people became an adult in their teenagehood.
In the present time, the average life anticipation is 80 years. That’s the reason till the age of 30, people want to take the experience of their life and want to do an experiment in every field and the rest 50 years, they live as adults and a responsible person.
If you are thinking that not all people live their life until the age of 80. Then we want to say that life is not in our hands, anything can happen at any time. And living in this type of thinking that if you won’t live till 8o, that’s why we should be married now, is a wrong step.
Lacking adventures in the Modern generation
The modern generation has less adventurous. The new generation has not also so much interest in lust and sex. And the futurologists assume that the world will change in the next 10-15 years. Moreover, it is also seen that the desire of driving is also consequently decreased. From this, it is found that new generations understand, they are in their childhood and these are not for them.
The rapid change in the world
The world and the way of living of people are changing consequently. All the people want a peaceful life, similarly, the young generation also thinks that there is no need to be serious and is matured.
Today, all the parents want they have few kids. As a result, parents have much more time to give their children for nurturing and more money to give him a good life. That’s why till the age of 30, children live with their parents and also depend on their parents for their survival and other expenses.
The complexion of society is also changing day by day and children takes more time to understand the society and their rules and regulation of living. That’s the reason they don’t understand their responsibility for society and they behave like a child till the age of 30.
Another thing is Digitalization and globalization influence the young generation more and more. And they have no time to know about their culture. They understand that the internet and social media is everything and they are trapped in this. Thus, they are completely ignorant of their culture, tradition, and responsibilities.
Insecurity of Future
In the young generation, it seems that they are insecure about their future and they are also optimistic in nature and always hope that, there will be a good change in their life and they will become capable for doing everything. But it reflects that they are scared about their future and don’t have any clear thought that what will they do. And this shows their childish nature and it lasts till 30 and more.
Finally, the conclusion is that the modern generation is as same as the old generation. They are not changed; the world has been changing day by day. And their impacts are changing the way of living and way of thinking of the young generation. That’s the reason, their behavior and thought are different from their parents and their grandparents. So, this young generation should do only one thing that forgets to think about others work on yourself, become adventurous, learning new things daily and increase their value. Always should be meet with new people and enhance their communicating skills. They should not spend their too much time on social media, they should read the newspapers and use the internet only for taking good information and learning new things. If these young generations will do so, they can change their lives and get the real goal of life.