Whether you prefer Tea or coffee, is a personal choice. You choose it either to charge up your mood or to lessen the laziness. But have you ever thought of the effect of tea on your health while consuming a cup of black or white tea! Well! You don’t need to worry. Most of the people like you and me never think of this type of rational worries. All the varieties of Tea available worldwide contain various micro ingredients which are very beneficial to human body. Tea contains caffeine, the stimulating ingredient. Then there is one more important element in tea called Catechins. It is actually a type of antioxidant present in tea. In green and white tea the presence of Catechins is the highest. Catechins composition sometime reaches up to 30% of the dry weight of tea. There are some other elements present in tea in a very negligible amount. These are Theanine, Theobromine, Fluoride and Theophylline. Whether you have a cup of white tea or a black tea it always contains these elements. Sometime it is said that tea contains protein, carbohydrate and other important elements of nutrition like fatty acid. Well, it is almost true if you are having a cup of herbal tea. But generally tea itself does not contain either protein, carbohydrate or any fat. So, if it is a cup of black, green or white tea, it never contains any of these three nutritional elements until and unless they are added while brewing.
White tea always contains caffeine at its highest possible amount in tea. White tea is derived from the earliest and freshest stage of tea leaves like the buds and the young leaves. Tea leaves in such a stage and in case of white tea contains small hairy particles on the surface. Because of these white hairs it is known as white tea. Among all the tea varieties available white tea is the least processed tea and is neither seasoned nor oxidized. And because of this, white tea contains all the natural ingredients at their highest amounts. So, you can expect a higher amount of caffeine and antioxidants in a cup of white tea. It always has the potential to fight bacterial and viral elements. Whereas caffeine is a stimulating element, the polyphenols present in white tea helps in preventing cancer. With a cup of white tea you can be sure of lowering the risk of heart attacks and also preventing yourself from other diseases. Apart from these, the larger presence of Catechins in white tea is another very good factor from the angle of health related issues. White tea also contains the Gallic Acid and Theobromine in a larger amount than the rest of the types of tea.
White tea is produced mainly in China. India and other Asian countries like Sri Lanka also produce a sound amount of white tea. There are different qualities of white tea irrespective of the province or area where they are cultivated. Since, the largest share of production of white tea is based in China; the most of the quality differences found in white tea are as per Chinese differentiation. Other varieties include Sri Lankan Ceylon white, Darjeeling white, Assam white and African white.