The days of manually prepared bills and reports have gone. The introduction of advanced technologies in the medical sector along with others has made all the practices very easy. Latest inventions in the medical sector from an EMR system to medical billing software all have contributed a lot to the change in the working styles. The physician of present time doesn’t prepare the handwritten paper bills anymore. Even the computer printed bill paper with a command from the user has lost its relevancy in this era. Also the introduction of web based or internet based sophisticated software and systems like web based EHR have contributed to this. And the customized and sophisticated medical billing software in place is something which definitely would boost your practice or the business. Medical billing software in use means the most convenient automated way of preparing invoices, memos and receipts; which in turn makes the insurance claims easier. Ultimately the billing software would enhance the quality of the service that you provide.
Though medical billing software comes with the primary function of automated billing, yet can also perform different function and work as an intermediary in between other services. Generally, the bills, invoices, memos, receipts and other stuffs in a billing software contains various sensitive information apart from its core content, the penny figures. It contains CPT codes, ICD-9 codes etc. CPT is the authorized five digit code that represents a service provided by the concerned healthcare service provider. ICD–9 code is the internationally recognized 3 to 5 digit code which represents a medical diagnosis service. At present ICD-9 is being replaced by ICD-10 code. These types of data are there to maintain the integrity in between other related areas. So, in order to choose the best medical billing software you need to consider all these peripherals. You should look for the benefits that you would be able to derive from the billing software in order to assess it. The first benefit you should look for is the better collection process. With the implementation of medical billing software the automation that comes with it makes the things like invoicing, billing processes easier than earlier. The concerned issues related with invoices and receipts like the collection of personal data, demographic descriptions and health records are also made easy with proper medical software of billing. The accuracy concerned with these data helps in claims like HCFA. Another important point of concern with the collection process is NPI or National Provider Identifier which is a unique number assigned to the specific health service provider. This NPI is ultimately used in insurance billing. Sometime medical billing software also relates to specific insurance objects like UB-92 form and UPIN (Unique Physician Identification Number, which is now being replaced by NPI). The next important benefit is the control over practice by implementing that billing software. The control over practice is acquired through the integration of the billing software with EMR/EHR system. Next benefit comprises of the fact that medical billing software should be able to save you bugs. You need to monitor the function at equal intervals to attain this. The next benefit you should get from your billing software is the automation. Automation may contain automatic remittance, automation in account receivable management etc.
And you really need to look for these benefits while implementing medical billing software into your business, so that you can get the ultimate value for your hard earned money. Remember that installing/implementing any medical software itself is a costly affair.