Have you ever thought of the cup that you are using to have your desired cup of tea! Have you ever thought of the pot pouring the hot tea into your cup! Have you thought about the plate accompanying cup that why is it used there with a cup! Probably you have not. Probably nobody ever have. When you know that you are sipping a cup of tea having caffeine and antioxidants, have you imagined what they would be without those tea pots and the cup or bowl you use drink with. Yes we are talking about tea accessories or better say tea sets. You cannot imagine a cup of tea without a tea set.
Tea sets have played a very important role in the history of tea. Even the Emperor of China, Shennong who is considered to be the inventor of tea, used the tea accessory in the form of a bowl. Tea sets along with tea have their origin in China. The use of tea sets started in China during Han Dynasty. During that time the style of tea sets along with tea pot and accompanying milk pots was not there. Despite small bowls were in use as tea sets. Those initial tea sets were made of porcelain into two different styles. One is northern white coloured while the second one is southern light blue coloured. Till then the teapots and the use of teapots were not there in China. Only small bowls were used as cups and tea pots of today. Later during the period of Song Dynasty, teapots came into being. Thereafter the use of tea pot started and also the use of tea sets in day to day life. Gradually the use of tea sets became a tradition. Now worldwide almost every tea drinking family has at least one tea set as a tradition. In most of the Asian countries where tea is an inseparable part of their daily life presence of tea sets is a very common thing. Not only in Asian countries but in Western European countries also tea sets are common when it comes to having a cup of tea together. In Japanese tea ceremony also tea set is the second most important thing just after the Matcha green tea. A traditional tea ceremony in Japan starts with the display of finest quality tea sets with Matcha tea in a traditional bowl and with traditional sweets by the host.
A regular tea set comes with the items: Teapot, tray, cup and saucer, sugar bowl and milk pot or the milk pitcher also known as creamer. Teapot is the main item of all the tea sets across the globe. The second most important item in a tea set is cup. Yes! It is the cup that you use to drink the tea of your flavor. In some countries the sugar bowl is not used in their tea sets, since sugar is directly mixed with the milk or the water they use to prepare the cup of tea. But I must mention one thing here that irrespective of the differences in their culture, religion and languages they speak, all the tea consuming countries use tea sets of on type or the other.