Tea, the best soothing beverage amongst all has become the tradition of almost all the societies worldwide. Started in China a long time back, tea now is the most widely preferred beverage in the world. Coffee eventually bags the second position. Tea is most relied upon when it comes to refresh oneself. To charge up your mood, to stimulate yourself you need a cup of tea. Yes! You need a cup of tea; irrespective of the fact whether you consume a cup of black tea or oolong tea or a cup of white tea. Be it a very reputed brand like Tetley or a local made packet of loose tea in your local market, you can be sure to get the relief you want from a cup of tea. But freshness of a cup of tea is something which somehow depends on the packaging of the tea leaves. Packaged tea like the tea bags, canned tea, and canister tea differs from the loose tea in the area of freshness. And freshness of packaging is an important concern for the tea industry worldwide. Depending on the packaging, the prices also differ. Pyramid tea bags introduced by Lipton tea are costlier than the normal tea bags. Again the tea bags are costlier than the loose tea. So, if you opt for the best packaged tea concerning the freshness then you have to lessen the weight of your wallet well. But the tea market is segmented not according to the packaging but the types. By type I mean the different types of tea like black tea, green tea, oolong tea, white tea, herbal tea etc. So, the main price factor of tea depends upon the type and their quality, but not on the factor whether you are using a good looking packet of black tea or some loose tea of the same type.
When we have a look at the tea business worldwide we easily can see that tea is the highest consumed beverage in the world. All other beverages together equal the consumption of tea in the whole world. Among all the nations, India is the highest tea consuming country with a per capita consumption of 750 grams per year. India is a very lucrative market for tea business, despite of the fact that India itself is the biggest producer of tea just after China. Unilever is doing a very great business the tea segment in India. Just after Unilever, Tata Tea the Indian tea company is serving the market at large. Unilever and Tata Tea also have their business spreading over all the major tea consuming nations. Be it China or UK where per capita tea consumptions are higher than all other nations. UK has the highest per capita tea consumption of over 2.3 kg per year. So, naturally the market for tea whether it is a packaged tea or loose tea is there in UK and China.
Tea market today is following a new trend of herbal tea in both the packaged style and loose tea style. Herbal tea is the new buzz in the tea market along with all other variants like the black tea, green tea, oolong tea and white tea.