Happiness is a way with ups and downs, not a destination. And if you are married, the two of you have to cross those ups and downs together all the time to be happy all through. And a marriage is successful if two of you are there with each other to help and inspire your better half. Keeping each other happy is another important requirement. But keeping your lady happy is a costly affair. Whether it’s her daily needs or the birth day gift, you lose the battle of savings. And if it is the wedding anniversary then probably you would be investing more. Wedding anniversary is the occasion which demands different attention with every single passing year. And hence your 2nd, third, fourth or the twenty fifth anniversaries beget different names and associated gifts.
The 30th wedding anniversary is the Pearl Anniversary. A naturally occurring pearl is something rare to find and hence the rare like things of good length of time are named after pearl. In the Same way the marriage that has crossed thirty precious and long years celebrates a Pearl Anniversary. Thirty years of period together is not a very easy task and yet not a difficult one for a couple with utmost love. So, we are talking about pearl anniversary and pearl jewellery is the item traditionally preferred as gift for wife in the pearl anniversary. Pearl jewellery for wife in pearl anniversary is a tradition started long time back in Britain. Not only the pearl anniversary, there are two three more wedding anniversaries which generally traditionally experience pearl jewellery as a gift item. The 1st wedding anniversary is another occasion in a married life where pearl jewellery is the gift item. The 1st wedding anniversary is the freshest anniversary and hence the gifts used in this occasion need to be fresher. What else than fresh water pearl jewellery can complement this occasion better! Freshwater pearls are made from freshwater mollusks which are mostly farmed in China and Japan. Most of the pearls sold and available in the market are cultured freshwater pearls. These freshwater cultured pearls come in various shapes and colours. Different colours also come in different sizes and are widely used in pendants, necklaces, strands and studs in the pearl jewellery industry. So, you can easily choose an item of freshwater pearl for your 1st wedding anniversary. Modern anniversary gift listings lists the 12th anniversary is also termed as a pearl anniversary and hence demanding pearl jewellery as a best fit gift. Irrespective of the fact whether it’s your 30th wedding anniversary or the 12th anniversary, you can show your love to your spouse with a pearl jewellery of your favourite design and style. Before you leave for the shopping spree, have a good look at the sizes and shape of the pearls generally preferred for an anniversary gift, so that you don’t land yourself in a dilemma of choice. The most popular available pearl is the cultured white pearl, within a size range of 7 mm to 8 mm. And the most preferred shape is the round or baroque one.
So, go for good pearl jewellery, keep it in mind that this once in a life time anniversary is something bigger to celebrate and show your love to your spouse accordingly. Happy Wedding Anniversary.