You are planning a tea party by the evening. Well, that’s great. Have you invited all of your friends accordingly? If yes, then it’s ok. Have you prepared your lawn accordingly? Yes is the best answer here. Well! Well! You almost have finished whole the preparation required to pep up your party. But have you decided the beverage of the party yet! A no here can land you in a big trouble. Remember that you have arranged a tea party not a any drink party. So, the beverage you use should be and must be tea and only tea. Now, confused with the type you need to use for the party. Don’t worry! The most common tea used worldwide is the black tea and you really can rely upon black tea. A black tea is crudest of tea varieties available across the world. Even the first cup of tea invented accidently in China was a cup of black tea. The use of tea as a common daily beverage started from China in 10th BC. The story of tea invention as a beverage starts with the legendary emperor of China Shenong, who accidently invented tea while having a cup of boiling water. The emperor Shennong who also invented agriculture and Chinese medicine was drinking a bowl of hot water when some tea leaves were blown from a nearby plant into his hot water bowl. These leaves changed the colour of the water in the bowl. Emperor was surprised to have a great taste and refreshment when he took a sip of that coloured water. And that was the starting of tea as a beverage. To mention, that very first cup of tea was a cup of black tea in fact.
Black tea is the type of tea widely used worldwide. Almost in every tea consuming country you can easily find a cup of black tea. Lipton, PG Tips is the black tea from Unilever which has the biggest market share of near about 17 percent of the whole black tea produced worldwide. The next big player is Tetley from Tata Tea. It is an India originated MNC. There are other players in the market also comprising the rest of the producers from across the world. Small companies are growing in umber worldwide in the scenario of tea business. Even online stores on tea are available now. A quality online store on Chinese tea is the Golden Tea House, where a wide range of almost every type of tea from an oolong one to a black tea is easily available. You even can order samples from them to judge their quality.
Black tea is the derivative of Camellia Sinensis only. It is generally more oxidized than rest of tea types like the green tea, white tea. For the production black tea only two varieties of Camellia Sinensis ae used. These are Sinensis Sinensis, the Chinese variant of Camellia Sinensis and the Sinensis Assamica, the Assamese variant of Camellia Sinensis.
The most famous black tea worldwide is the Sinensis Assamica or simply the Assam black tea from the gardens of Assam, India. Next name in demand is Lapsang Souchong from Fujian province of China.