The need to know much more information about a person has led to development of instant search engines which are faster and safer. Persons who need information may range from organizations, individuals, corporate or even the government. The most convenient, fastest and well known method of searching for people is through the use of internet or the web. In these, many sources can be used. These sources include the use of the Google. This is a very famous and popular tool since almost everybody knows about it, Search can be done using the name of a person, their address or even their area code.
Another source of information that can be used to provide instant information is social networking sites. Social networking sites involve the use of face book, twitter or even MySpace. These are very quick methods of searching persons where you only need to type the name, address or any other information you may know about them. Their particulars will be provided by these sites instantly. White pages can also be used as a search engine. So many sites do have white pages functions in which a phone company hosts an online version of it.
Persons can also opt to use a pay service which helps to find more information required about a person. In this a person can use a website which is designed specifically to find people online and then type their name or information he may know about such a person and the search results will be provided. One is required to pay a search fee before the information required is processed. Public records and also yellow pages found in the internet can also be a source of information .so many government resources and records can be found instant online which can be a source of so much information required.