A year ago I was madly in love and I wanted to propose to my future queen. Now I wanted to make sure I got her a nice diamond ring to show her just how much she meant to me. But that was the tough part the ring that I selected was slightly out of my range. Now I couldn’t wait for my annual bonus or next month’s pay check (you don’t plan these sort of things) so I immediately went back home and did an inventory check. I had the old desktop PC, the new laptop, an Ipad and cell phone. It was then that I decided to sell my Ipad. However I had no idea how to do it right. It was not like I wanted to sell my Ipad, but I needed the money and therefore I wanted to maximize my potential cash proceeds from the sell my Ipad. Here are a few things you should keep in mind because I don’t want anyone to repeat the mistakes I made when I was going to sell my Ipad.
Step#1: transfer the data
For some people the value of data store on their pc’s, laptops and Ipads is actually worth a lot more than the value of the device or machine (whatever you want to call it). Even a list of contacts is more valuable to a businessman then the blackberry or Iphone that it is saved on. There’s also an issue of confidentiality and privacy. If you are holding confidential third party information then it is your duty to ensure that this data does not fall into the hands of unauthorized users. If it does you could be potentially liable to millions of dollars in damages. I was in such a hurry to sell my Ipad that I actually forgot to transfer the data I had store on to it. This was a big mistake that I made, because then I was a part-time student and all my essays, assignments etc were on that ipad and I wasn’t keeping in regular backups. It was only after I sold my Ipad and went back home and thought about going through my assignment that I realized what I had done. Lucky for me there wasn’t any confidential data on it (well other than mine of course). Anyways that life and that’s how you get wiser I think. So first things first, download all data from your device onto a portable hard drive or upload it on to your inbox.
Step#2: use the net
With the most important step out of the way, it is time to start surfing the net. You want to get an idea of how much a machine of similar description to yours would sell for. Secondly once you decided gotten a fair idea of the going market rate for your Ipad you want to start letting the world know your machine is on sale. I believe if you want to get your machine sold quicker and at the best possible rate you should go for using as many different sources of advertising as possible. For example I put up advertisements on my universities website, I opened up an account with eBay and I put up an advertisement in the local computer store. Interestingly the highest number of replies and the final sale was from the local computer store advertisement and the university website. I think this was because people wanted to see the machine first hand before they made the purchase.