In order to relax, lift your mood after a heavy work out, you need a refreshing beverage of that genre. And a good type of tea is the beverage which is always best when it comes to refresh oneself. Tea is most widely used refreshing beverage across the world. It contains various nutritional as well as medicinal elements. One important element is caffeine, which is the stimulating agent present in tea. Apart from caffeine, tea also contains antioxidants and elements like theobromine, theanine, fluoride etc. Theanine is the element which is believed to be the cancer preventing element. Antioxidants present in tea protects from cardiovascular diseases. Tea is the only natural resource which contains fluoride.
Tea, depending upon the cultivation process is divided into four main types. These are green tea, oolong tea, black tea and white tea. All other variants of tea are either flavored tea or variants of these four main types. So, if you are purchasing a packet of tea or some loose tea, you are actually purchasing the tea derived from Camellia Sinensis only. Tea variants found worldwide are derived either from Camellia Sinensis or from any of the three species of Camellia Sinensis. These three species are Sinensis Sinensis, Sinensis Assamica and the main one Camellia Sinensis. Among all three, Sinensis Assamica is widely used and brewed worldwide. Most of the loose teas generally found in local markets are of this type.
Black tea is the most common type of tea among all the tea varieties. Almost all the tea stores be it an online store or an offline one sells the black tea either as a loose tea or as a packaged one. Black tea is the highest oxidized tea and contains higher level of caffeine than rest of the tea types. Black tea does not lose its caffeine content even when they are not stored in airtight surrounding. Even loose tea of black tea can retain its caffeine content in extreme situations.
The next very widely acclaimed tea is green tea. It is the less processed tea and hence contains higher amount of all the nutrients. Green tea is mostly preferred with other added flavors like Jasmine flower petals, roasted brown rice in case Genmaicha, apricots etc. Green tea is generally kept as loose tea since it is the crudest tea derived from Camellia Sinensis. Green tea always contains higher amount of all the natural elements found in tea and hence is preferred as a healthy nutritional beverage by the physicians worldwide. You really can rely upon some green loose tea to make you healthier.
Oolong tea is another type of tea which is oxidized in between black and green tea. It contains higher amount of antioxidants than black tea and tastes much better than green tea. The quality of oolong tea depending upon the altitude of cultivation varies accordingly. Higher is the altitude higher is the quality of oolong.
Next type of tea is white tea. It has higher amount of caffeine and antioxidants than rest of tea types. It is extracted from the freshest tea buds and leaves. The leaves or buds used in this type of tea are so young that they are covered with white hairs and hence this type is known as white tea.
Having through these varieties of tea, I hope now you can easily purchase either some loose tea or packaged tea of available variants in the market as per your preference.