Along with all the sectors, health & medical sector is also experiencing the modern engineered advancement along with the introduction of sophisticated technology like Wi-Fi hotspots. One of the biggest hit technological advancement in the 20th century in the field of health & medical is the introduction of EMR software based record keeping. It has introduced the ease of flexibility concerned with the medical records. EMR software has changed the way physicians approach their patients. EMR software indeed is a great discovery. But every software itself is incomplete until and unless it accompanied by the appropriate hardware. Similarly, EMR software is no exception. Appropriate hardware is must for the exact working of EMR software.
In order to get the smooth function from the EMR software you need quality hardware. Since the implementation of ERM software is itself a costly affair. So, the selection of hardware should be a cautious concern. The purchase department after getting a good review on the requirement as per the suggestions and guidance from the concerned IT staff and the lead physicians can release the purchase order for the hardware. Along with hardware there is one more concern that should be given due importance. It is the infrastructure of your organization. Proper arrangement of cupboards, working desks etc. should be given attention. Apart from that the availability of hardware in wide ranges across all the markets is another point of worry because you have to choose the best as per your requirements and budget.
While implementing EMR software, the first consideration of hardware is for your server. The server is the backbone of your whole the network where you are about to use the EMR software. While buying the server, stick to the requirements that the EMR software vendor has set forth. Along with this you also need to decide about the operating system for your server, the backup system you would be using, type and capacity of the hard drive etc. Generally most of the servers are MS SQL compatible. But if your network is not spread over more than 10-15 computers then this is not a good option for you. You may opt for another operating system from Microsoft namely Microsoft Small Business Server which is available in different versions like 2003, 2003 Premium, 2005 etc. But before installing the server you should and always should discuss with your software vendor and your IT experts very well.
The next decision you have to make is in choosing the computer systems for the entire network. You can chose from a Tablet PC to a laptop depending upon your business size and structure and your clinical needs. Tablet PCs are becoming most popular among the users of all diversity. Whether you select slate or convertible style Tablet PC, both come with definite advantages. Depending upon your needs and budget you can easily find one good product in Tablet PC from any brand that suits you best. Desktop is also a good option for using EMR software in practice. Simple PCs or desktops from even a very good brand would cost a reasonable amount. The next stylish yet convenient option is laptop. With the ease of mobility accompanied by Wi-Fi hotspots running EMR software while moving is a great thing in laptops. Laptop is also a good option from the monetary angle.
An implementation of EMR software also requires other hardware apart from the server and the workstations. Hardware like printer, fax and scanner are the commonly used peripherals along with the EMR set up. All the paper documents can be transformed to its soft copy. It has acquired the use in the entire sector because a scanned soft copy is as legally valid as the original document is. Next big thing related with the implementation of EMR software is the concern of back up. An online back up for all the files would be the best possible solution. But a tape backup also can serve your purpose very well. A backup tape is obviously a hardware.