Hi guys, I am fonder of Recreational and Sports Fishing. Today, Fishing is the most popular art all around the world. Every day its demand is increasing rapidly. But most of the people are a novice in this field and don’t have sufficient information about fishing. If you are interested in fishing then you can follow my instructions, I will impart you all the basic information about it. And believe me, my guidance will be very helpful for you.
What is a Fishing License? Do I really Need one?
Many people ask me this question on a regular basis and I am always getting ready to help them. Whenever people have a doubt like do they need a license to fish off a pier then my answer depends on the purpose like commercial purpose or just for a hobby. And you are also one of them and your question is same then I want to tell you that If you are in the age of 16 years or more than 16 years, you must have a license to fish off the pier to get any kind of fishes.
But when you catch fish from a public pier for the non-commercial purposes only for pleasurable pastime, you need not take a license. On the public pier, age groups are not limited. Any age group people can catch fish from there. The public pier is also important for recreational and sports fishing. If you want to practice fishing free, then you can use the public pier.
But a fishing license is always necessary when you fishing from other piers. Without a license, you are not allowed to go down onto the beach to land a big fish if you have caught from the public pier. You need a valid license to go down the beach and taking your big fish. Whenever you catch fish from the public pier then you can also neglect some rule and regulations also such as Seasons, Size of fishing rods and bag limits, etc.
only you will require two rods and lines, hand lines or nets, traps to catch the fish. But you have the only motive to recreation then you only need a fishing rod and some more essential things. after taking all the information, yet you are in suspicion about whether or not a license is needed to fish off a pier then the best thing to avoid any type of worse situation and you should take a license or you should be 100% confirmed about the place from where you are planning to catch the fish, a license is required or not.
Collecting the facts about Pier Fishing is very crucial before fishing off a Pier. So, I am going to some basic orientation about the Pier Fishing.
Pier fishing is a fishing activity to fish off a pier. The raised structure over water that is supported by spread piles or pillars is known as Pier. Most of the time it acts as a breakwater or flows the water from it.
You can catch fish from a pier in both the saltwater or freshwater. The huge advantage of fish off a pier that you have the capacity to access certain depths of the water bodies that is impossible to reach from the shore. There are many fishing piers which are famous for their quality fishing. Today, Piers are divided into different types according to their mode of working. These types are working piers, pleasure piers and fishing piers.
My personal Tips, Tricks, and Techniques to making the fishing activity easier
Fishing become easier when you use some relevant tips to modify your fishing ability and the following tricks help you in catching a fish from a pier.
- Observe the Bird’s activities: – Many birds like Seagulls when to collaborate to the pier is a better way to see where the fish might be. These birds are very watchful to know the movements of fish at the day time. By observing their activities, you will get a real signal of the school of fish in the sea or ocean.
- Cast a net is not so important: – If you have a habit of casting the net for catching the fish then you should forget this method because in the pier fishing the best part is that you need not cast a fish so far to catch the fish. Most of the time the school of fish hang around the pier. So, you should cast your net near the pier.
- Take a look for hazy water: – It is assumed that usually, fish collaborate where hazy water meets clear water. So, whenever you go fishing from a pier, take a look for muddy water.
- Use the polarized sunglasses at the time of fishing: – Polarized sunglasses have a big advantage of the fishing. When you wear a good pair of polarized sunglasses then it is easier to see in the water and find the fish.
- Choose the Right Bait: – in Fishing, Right Bait is the important part. You always consult any local bait shop or market and take the crucial information about the Bait and which type of Baits are usually use for the fishing. But you will also keep in mind that live bait is illegal and you don’t use them so if you want to avoid the illegal activities and choose the artificial one at the place of a live one.
Which types of Fishing gear you need for fishing?
For the pier Fishing, you must require some special fishing gear and fishing tackle. We have given the name of some vital fishing gear or equipment, that is used in the fishing. Following are the name of necessary fishing gear.
Bite indicators– A bite indicator indicates that something is happening at the hook end of the fishing line, which helps in catching the fish.
Hook, line, and Sinker- Hook, line, and sinker is a typical sequence of tackle strengthen an angler for catching fish. The hook is a device for catching fish either by inserting them in the mouth of a fish or body of the fish. Fish hooks are only for holding the baits which act as the prey of fish and it helps to catch the fish easily. The line is also used for fishing which is made of horse pair or silk thread and the Sinker is a weight that is used to force the bait to sink easily and rapidly in the water.
Traps- Traps are also a very important part of pier fishing. There are two types of traps permanent or Semi-permanent. When you will use the trap for fishing then you need a fishing license.
Fishing Bait- Fishing Bait is commonly used as the prey of fish. It has two types of Natural Bait or Artificial Bait. The earthworm is a world-famous bait for the fish.
Fishing Rods- Fishing rod is also a fishing gear by which hook, line, and sinker are attached. These rods are made of fiberglass, carbon fiber or bamboo.
Spears- In Ancient time, people use the spears for fishing. It is also called Spearfishing. In this fishing spears such as harpoons, trident, arrow or eel spear has been used.
Nets- Nets are very helpful to catch the fish. Its meshes are formed by knotting the many thin threads. Now, cast nets are very popular for catching the fish.
Fishing reels- Fishing reels are used for the composition and recovery of a fishing line using a spool mounted on an axle. It is mostly used in angling.
Piers are usually located in Saltwater like Ocean and Seas. So it’s very important to know about the saltwater Fishing also. So, Here I am going to define the fundamental of saltwater.
The method of fishing in the ocean is known as saltwater fishing. It can be usually done on shore, on a boat or on a pier. For saltwater fishing also requires Live bait or artificial bait. It only depends on the type of fish. Saltwater fishing mostly accessible in states/countries where seas are found. Here are some examples of saltwater fish like bluefish, mackerel, bonefish, sailfish, cod, flounder, halibut, jewfish, grouper, kingfish, marlin, cobia, Pacific yellowtail, redfish, sea trout and many more.
I am providing Some tips about Saltwater fishing whenever you will go for it, you can follow these rules. Those are very helpful and give you a better experience of fishing.
- Use the perfect fishing knot which is strong and don’t break at the time of fishing
- Choose the good quality of Bait (Live Bait or Artificial Bait)
- Before planning the fishing, find the immersed structures in which the saltwater fish like to live in.
- The most effective way to sustain commercial saltwater fishing in the future is to preserve the experience for others
- Always assure your expenses.
Whenever you want to go for Fishing off a Pier with family members on the weekend then you require a license or not?
Have you a question like this? Then I am explaining in some simple words. Generally, fishing off a pier with a family member only for the enjoyment and fun, don’t need a license. The license is only needed when you will catch the fish for the commercial purpose. Many states such as California offering two days free fishing off a pier for the fun and pleasure of the visitors. Usually, fishing gears are too costly and if you are not a regular fisher then invest in the fishing equipment is not suitable for you. Instead of buying the own fishing tackle, you can rent those ones from the nearby shop piers. So, according to me, you need not take a license for whole family members. Use the public piers and enjoy your weekend.