The best performance range of power supplies of Corsair are specially designed to meet the standards and needs of the enthusiasts. The TX series power supplies are ideally designed for the enthusiasts who require a high wattage, affordable, dependable and highly effective PSU. The best things about Corsair power supply units is that they are compatible with all the modern platforms like Intel core i3, i5, i7, AMD, NVIDIA and AMD multi-graphics configurations. These supplies are the best prices performance equipments. The good performance is tested against the standards of the power supply units that’s the reason for its fame and durability all over the world.
Its specifications are very unique and catchy. It has an ultra quiet fan with double ball bearing. It gives out outstanding air flow with little noise level. It gives uncompromised performance with efficiency and absolute reliability with his highest quality capacitor of Japan. It is 80+ bronze certified as it delivers almost 85% energy efficiency at realistic conditions of load. It is safe and resistant to over voltage, over current and under voltage and provides protection against these issues. Along with this the short circuiting protection is provided and exhibits the high level safety to the critical parts and systems it is supporting. It offers the universal AC input ranging from 90~264V. There no need to rotate the tiny red switch to adjust the voltage input level. Its dedicated single +12V rail shows absolute compatibility with the latest fashion component.
There is a wonderful offer of five year warranty and life time access to Corsair’s other technical support services and other services for customers. There is its latest ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 standards and it is backward compatible with ATX12V 2.2 and ATX12V 2.01 systems also.
This power supply unit has the list price of $119.99 and amazon.com offers it’s of 89.99 and it is shipped for free with super saver shipment. There is a saving of 25% i.e. $30. The refurbished PSU’s are also available. The customers rate it four and a half out of five in terms of its efficiency and compatibility. The low cost Corsair is the cheapest solution to the commercial as well as home users. Its easy installation and ease of use is the best quality of this product.