Introduction of EMR/EHR has begun a standardized easier age of medical practices. EMR/EHR systems in place help in advanced management of patients’ medical records. EMR/EHR data are found/used in the form of an electronic format which is easily accessible by the computers on that specified network for the purpose of health and ancillary services. . These electronic medical reports may contain patient’s personal detail, pharmacy orders, radiology results, laboratory results, discharge/transfer orders, and any other data from the supportive ancillary services. Technically it is a sound way of keeping and manipulating medical records for better healthcare. Medical Billing Services bear the same value as the EMR or EHR systems in a medical unit. But question that strikes here is ‘Do they come after EMR!’ Well! The answer is almost in between yes and no. Medical billing services in your unit are concerned only after the proper care for patients. Patient care is the first and most important thing for a medical unit, be it a big hospital or a small clinic. The billing and the insurance claims come only after that. Yet its importance cannot be neglected. Absence of adequate medical billing services in place would only lead you to losses both financial and customer base. At first either absence or improper practice in medical billing services may cause problems in making insurance claims, leading to financial losses. Secondly it would lead to a situation where your profit level would lower and in turn your service level would lose its satisfaction point among customers and your client base will definitely decline. So, the presence of the billing services in a medical unit simply cannot be ignored and it requires ultimate attention.
Medical billing services since require good attention so most of the physicians and doctors who are unable to pipe a considerable time into it choose to outsource this service. But outsourcing is not always a safer option to boost the billing services. Since the practice of outsourcing medical billing services is a new concept in the medical sector, a very few numbers of service providers with good repute and standard are there in the outsourcing scene. So, choosing the best fit service provider is a matter of caution. The service provider should be experienced as well as should be of your standard and budget.
Outsourcing of the medical billing services has acquired a good pace among hospitals and clinics across US, Canada and EU; yet it is not free from drawbacks. The most important problem while outsourcing the medical billing services to a third party is the flow of communication in between the service provider and the medical unit who has outsourced it. Communication regarding the status of the claims made and the respective reimbursement is an important matter of consideration. If your service provider is unable to communicate with you in a proper timely manner then you might have chosen the wrong player. So, to boost your medical billing services to a level of efficiency and efficacy you need to decide whether you will outsource the service to a third party or not! And if you decide to outsource, then the next decision regarding the outsourcing is to choose the best service provider.