More than 50 million adults and around 300,000 children are fighting from the most severe and chronic disease Arthritis.
We are going to talk about some natural cure or remedies to reduce the pain of Arthritis but before knowing about this, we should take a look on “What an Arthritis is and how it affects us and our body?”.

Arthritis is known as inflammation of one or more joints which causes pain and stiffness and the pain and their effects increase with the age. It can be found in the all age groups people, races and sexes. Arthritis is not a single disease and it’s very difficult to understand it completely. It is mostly observed in the old age people and Women.
There are around 100 different types of arthritis and the condition of each type is also different from one another. Swelling, stiffness, and pain are common symptoms of arthritis. The pain can be mild, moderate and also severe. The person who is affected by this chronic disease always feels pain while walking and climbing stairs. Some types of Arthritis are Degenerative Arthritis, Inflammatory Arthritis, Infectious Arthritis, Diagnosing Arthritis, and Metabolic Arthritis.
Arthritis affects not only joints but also the eyes, lungs, kidneys, skin, and heart also. But If you try us some Natural tips and tricks, you can reduce the arthritis pain.
How You Can Reduce the Pain of Arthritis?
There are some useful methods that can help the Arthritis becoming less painful.
- Maintain a good Posture- Always maintain a good posture to keep away from joints pain. If you do so, you can reduce the amount of arthritis pain to the utmost level. You should always stand straight and don’t try to slump when you sit. Don’t gain too much weight and always distribute your whole weight on both the legs equally.
- Lose Extra Kilos- If you put on some Extra Kilos then lose it quickly because the more weight can affect your joints more because it gives more pressure especially on your feet, hips, and knees. When you will start reducing weight, you feel that it decreases pain, save your joints and also improve your mobility. So, start some daily weight losing exercises and Lose your weight fast.
- Take Hot and Cold treatments- Hot and cold treatments both are very effective in reducing arthritis pain. In the morning, when you take hot showers or baths, it can lessen the pain and gives you relief. You can also use the heating pad or electric blanket at night to keep your joints free.
Cold therapies are also good for getting rid of joint pain, inflammation, and swelling. Apply the ice cubes on your joints by wrapping in a towel or any cloth. It will give you quick relief.
- Acupuncture Treatments- Acupuncture can give a good result in reducing the pain. It is assumed that acupuncture lessens arthritis pain. And if you are thinking about trying acupuncture then you should be sure about the therapist and always suggest any certified and licensed acupuncturist of your area.
- Regular Massage Treatment- Regular massage of Arthritic joints help in reducing pain and stiffness and improve your mobility. For taking the massage therapy, you can take appointments with any massage therapist or physical therapist and also learn self-massage treatment.
- Include Turmeric in Your Dishes – Everyone knows very well about the anti-inflammatory Properties of turmeric. In Turmeric, a chemical named “curcumin” is found that help reduces arthritis pain.
- Think once of any herbal supplements- Different varieties of herbal supplements are available in the market that gives the challenge to reduce the arthritis pain. These supplements are following Ginkgo, Stinging nettle, Devil’s claw, Bromelain, Thunder god vine, Boswellia, etc.
Before taking these supplements, you need to consult a doctor. After then you should try.
If you try all of these simple tips and tricks, there is a hope that you can reduce the pain and live your life freely.