Many large companies grow by acquiring smaller companies, and in some cases, the only information available to these companies, is the business and owner name, revenues. This is exploited by identity theft gangs to falsely claim that they are involved in the business, when they are doing nothing. These gangs will contact the large company and claim to own or be involved in the small company targeted, even though they do not have the expertise or experience. Many large companies are often tricked by the charms of the identity theft gang, and do not bother to conduct an advanced business search before finalizing a deal. As a result, the larger company may realize its mistake only at a later date.
Directories and yellow pages, both online and offline, also provide information about a business, especially offline businesses. An advanced business search can be conducted based on the company name, address and type of business. However, this information may not be updated regularly resulting in time being wasted if a company has changed its address or has shut down. Local trade organizations and banks also have details about the company, but often the information remains confidential and is not available to the general public.
It will be useful for you to spend a bit more time to familiarize yourself with the huge variety of up-to-date advanced business search applications, which could in short time become a valuable tool in your future marketing decisions, providing you with set of comfortable partial profile choice designs, intended especially to provide you with more detailed collection of attributes and distinctive features of your products or services, which should become easily compared with the offers of your direct and most serious competitors worldwide. So, do not be amazed that popular latent class models, used in every reliable marketing research software, as a rule unify set of unique parameters such as price response, brand preference, determined for every particular sub-segment of your current and future clients. As a final result you will be able much more easily to find all customers with similar interests, desires and needs and will become completely ready to choose more personalized marketing solutions or promotions to win their constant interest and confidence in your products or services.