Tea is the most widely used beverage across the globe. Tea irrespective of the type is derived from the plant Camellia Sinensis and its variants. All the territories in between Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn cultivate and produce tea. Tea requires a yearly rainfall of at least 127 cm and an acidic soil. Cultivation of tea attracts another important factor of altitude. Tea depending upon the different varieties is cultivated at different altitudes. Sinensis Assamica or the Assam tea mainly used for the black tea worldwide grows at an elevation of 2500 ft above the sea level and sometime is found below the sea level also. Whereas, the Taiwan high mountain oolong tea is found at an altitude of 4500 ft to 8530 ft above the sea level. The quality of tea differs with the altitude accordingly. At a higher altitude, the growth of the tea plant becomes slower than usual which in turn bless the tea with higher quality of aromatic flavor and fragrance. And this height factor is deployed by Taiwanese tea cultivators very well. Tea cultivation in Taiwan started in the 19th century only, yet it specializes in mountain tea. Almost 99 percent of high mountain oolong tea produced worldwide comes from Taiwanese high mountains alone. Similarly in India high mountain oolong tea is cultivated in the hills of Darjeeling at a height of 4000 ft above the sea level. Darjeeling oolong tea is negligible in amount when it comes to high mountain oolong tea. Another near equal high mountain oolong type of tea produced in Assam, India is Kapili tea. Kapili is grown at an altitude of 2500 ft. In China, hilly area of Fujian province produces mountain oolong tea. Though almost all the tea producing countries grow the mountain variety of oolong tea, yet Taiwan tops the list with highest quality of flavor. Taiwanese high mountain oolong tea of the highest quality generally comes from the areas which are at an altitude of 5250 ft or more than 52500ft above the sea level.
There are different varieties of high mountain oolong teas available in the market. The most commonly used high mountain oolong teas from Taiwanese high mountains are Dayuling oolong tea, Li Shan oolong tea, Shanlinxi oolong tea, Alishan oolong tea and Wuling oolong tea. All these types of high mountain oolong differ by the altitude at which they are cultivated. Dayuling is grown at an altitude of about 8500 ft above the sea level. This is the best type of high mountain oolong. The next type is Li Shan grown at an altitude of 6500 ft to 8000 ft. Its quality nears that of dayuling. Shanlinxi oolong is grown at an elevation of nearly 5500 ft above the sea level. Alishan is the high mountain Taiwanese oolong tea that is grown at an altitude of near about 4000 ft above the sea level.
High mountain oolong tea from Taiwan having the best quality in taste, aromatic flavor and fragrance has proved that high mountains can easily have quality oolong tea.