What would you prefer! A fresh rose or a pale one! Definitely you would go for the fresh one when it comes to show your affection. And a fresh rose is one which can give you a fragrance that smells original. In the same way, if you want the fresh pearl you can ask the question “is freshwater pearl fresh?” Yes, this might be the question if you really do not know what does freshwater in case of pearl means. A freshwater pearl is called so as because it is either found naturally or harvested in freshwater. And cultured freshwater pearl is the most common type of pearl found in day to day pearl related activities and is derived from freshwater mussels. But there are two types of freshwater pearls, namely the natural one and the cultured one. So, you really can ask the question here. Is freshwater pearl fresh enough to keep your desires at its highest blues! Yes, they are. Freshwater pearl can give you the freshness that you generally want for a gift. Irrespective of the occasion for which you use this freshwater pearl item, it is there to deliver the charm or grace. Both the cultured and the natural freshwater pearl are good looking pearls. Here you should take care of the freshness of quality ranging from A to AAA available in case of both the cultured and natural freshwater pearl.
Items like a necklace, pendant, bracelet or a pair of earrings are available in freshwater pearl both the natural and cultured one. And you can choose the freshest of them also by the colour of the pearl used. Black is not a fresh colour. But when it comes to pearls, this colour is always has the freshness of rarity. Other fresh colours like pink, blue etc. are also available widely.
Next term to gauge the freshness is the shape. Though pearls are widely available in almost all the shapes and sizes, yet the natural freshwater pearl comes in the shape of a baroque one. The freshest look in freshwater pearl is circular or a near circular. Pear shaped or an elongated one fits best for earrings. You can always find these types of round or near round shapes of freshwater items with almost all the online stores of good repute like Carlas.
The very next thing to determine the freshness of an item of freshwater pearl for gift is to look for the surface and the luster. A good quality pearl always is shinier than other available pearls. And it also comes with a blemish free smooth screen or surface. You can easily find out these two factors with naked eyes. The last but not least thing to look for while gauging a pearl’s freshness for gifts is the occasion. If it is your wife or girl friend at the receiving end, then the freshness it demands is of great concern. You really need to be careful to make your lady smile. Even a wedding anniversary which is fresh enough to celebrate just like the very first wedding anniversary attracts traditionally a freshwater pearl item. And you can have the assurance that after going through all these your gift for your beloved one would be of the best freshness.