If you have tried everything like diet plan, weight loss supplements, pills and all the things for weight loss but you don’t get any satisfactory result then you should try Yoga Poses for quick and easy weight loss. Yoga doesn’t only reduce the body fat or weight but also increase the flexibility, tone the muscles, improve the respiratory system, increase the metabolism of the body, protect from injury and more. Yoga also gives a new rejuvenation and refreshment to the mind and body both.
Here are 20 Yoga Poses which help you in achieving your goal
Anjaneyasana (Crescent Moon Pose)
How To Do The Anjaneyasana
Raise your arms up and bend towards backward, stretch the lower back and lower the knees and placed the floor in the right of hips and rest the other knee in front the left side. Repeat the pose from both sides.
Benefits of the Anjaneyasana pose
It makes the muscles and arms stronger, gives the flexibility and stretching to the hips area, improving the body balance, increasing concentration power, relieve sciatica, improves the digestive system and reproductive organs and toning the body.
Half Boat Pose (Ardha Navasana)
How to Do The Half Boat Pose
Keep your palms down to the floor and raise your legs up and after this raise your arms also. Keep in mind always that your legs and arms should be parallel to the ground. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat it.
Benefits of the Half Boat Pose
It improves the balance and posture of the body, strengthens the back, thighs, and abs, increasing the concentration power, Improves the digestion and tone up the whole body.
Jalandhara Bandha
How to Do The Jalandhar Bandha
Bring the chin up and inhale. Take some slow deep breath in and out and come to your breath in normal position after then practicing it. Start it with 2 to 3 rounds and increase it up to ten rounds.
Benefits of the Jalandhara Bandha Yoga Pose
The Jalandhara Bandha helps in weight loss, stimulates the thyroid gland to balance metabolism and rooted out all types of diseases of the throat, improves the respiratory and circulatory system, enhances the blood circulation and gives a good posture to the spinal cord.
Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
How to Do The Seated Forward Bend
Come into the seated position and stretched your legs in front of you when you inhale straight your spine and again exhale and try to touch your toe. Hold it for 30 seconds and repeat again.
Benefits of the Seated Forward Bend
There are many benefits of this yoga pose. It relaxed the brain and helps to end up the stress and depression, stimulates the spine and shoulder postures also improve the function of liver, kidneys, uterus, and ovaries, improves digestion, also reduce the pain and discomfort of the menstrual cycle, relieve in headache and anxiety and lessen fatigue.
Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose)
How to do Vasisthasana
Take a regular plank position and place your one palm to the ground and your toes should be together on the mat (right foot is on the mat and left is on the right foot), raise your body up and also raise your other palm in the upward direction also. Repeat it in 30 seconds.
Benefits of Vasisthasana
There are many benefits of Vasisthasana, It improves the balance in the body, increases the stretching in the back of the legs, also strengthens the arms and makes it stretchable and also strengthen the abdomen and legs too.
Revolved Lunge Pose (Parivrtta Anjaneyasana)
How to do Revolved Lunge Pose
Bent your right knee at 90-degrees, placing your right elbow on the left knee and bring the hands together. Press the hands and increase the stretch in the back and shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Benefits of Revolved Lunge Pose
It helps in weight loss as well as increasing the Stamina, balance the body, define a good posture by animating the spine and back muscles and tone up the back, neck, and shoulders also.
Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
How to do Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
Bring your feet together and the arms straight upward and lower the body into a squatting position, and also make sure that you are still able to see your feet in front of your knees.
Benefits of Chair Pose
Chair pose has also many benefits. It strengthens the ankles, calves, hip flexors and back, stretches the shoulders and chest area, tone up the muscles of leg perfectly, and stimulates the diaphragm, abdominal organs, and heart and also cure the symptoms of flat feet.
Shoulder Stand Pose
How to do Shoulder Stand Pose
Lying on the ground and raise your whole body in the upward direction, keep your palm on your waist and your elbow on the ground. Only your head is placed on the floor. Holds for few seconds and come into normal position and repeat it.
Benefits of Shoulder Stand Pose
Shoulder Stand Pose is full of benefits and also known as Powerhouse of benefits. It improves the thyroid gland, open up the neck and shoulders, also reduce stress and depression, enhance the energy of the body and strengthen the abs, arms, butt, and legs.
Garudasana (Eagle Pose)
How to do Garudasana
Stand straight at a place. Bend your right knee and also wrap your left leg around your right leg and the knees are bend over each other. Make a balance and hold the pose for a few seconds.
Benefits of Garudasana
It has many health benefits such as helps in enhancing the body flexibility, stretching the shoulders, Balance the body, provide coordination in muscular system and also give the suppleness in upper back, hips, and thighs.
Warrior I Pose (Virabhadrasana I)
How to do Warrior I Pose
Keep your front knee at 90-degree angle. It is as like as a high lunge, one of the foot is pointed out back. Raise your hands upward. Hold it for 30 seconds.
Benefits of Warrior I Pose
Strengthens the shoulder arms, ankles, back, neck and also providing the flexibility in arms, shoulders, neck, belly, shoulders, and ankles. It gives energy to the whole body.
Downward Dog Pose
How to do Downward Dog Pose
Sit straight, cross your legs, move your shoulders 3 to 4 times in the upward, downward and backward direction and also exhale and inhale at this time.
Benefits of Downward Dog Pose
Since Downward Dog Pose is a stretching and strengthening Yoga Pose. So, it has lots of benefits such as tone up the upper and lower body both and gives a perfect balance between mind and body.
Dolphin Pose
How to do Dolphin Pose
Place your knee on the floor and cross the fingers and raise your back in the upward direction and placed your feet together. Hold it for 30 seconds and repeat again.
Benefits of Dolphin Pose
It is a stretching yoga pose. It stretches the arms, shoulders, upper back, and legs and also provides flexibility to the calves, hamstrings, and spine also give the relief from insomnia, tiredness, depression, and headaches.
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
How to do Cobra Pose
Bring your face down and centered on your mat. Placed your both the palms on the floor and Bend your upper body to the backward.
Benefits of Cobra Pose
This is the best Yoga pose for Asthma patient. It opens the lungs and also improving the digestion, reduces the stress and depression and tone up the shoulders, abdomen, and buttocks.
Boat Pose (Navasana)
How to do Boat Pose
Bent the knees and keep your hands on the leg and raise your legs in front of your nose. Be in this position for 30 seconds and repeat again.
Benefits of Boat Pose
It helps in stretching the hamstrings, strengthen the spine and improve the function of kidneys, thyroid, intestine and prostate glands.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
How to do Bridge Pose
Keep your hand, feet, and head on the floor and raise your upper body and thighs in the upward direction. Hold it for few seconds and repeat again.
Benefits of Bridge Pose
It also improves the thyroid glands and abdominal organs and helps in improving digestion and increase metabolism. It is the best for who works in the offices in front of the computer because it stretches the legs and shoulders.
Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
How to do Bow Pose
Bend your back and try to make the shape of a bow. Hold your toe with your fingers. Keep it for 20 seconds and repeat it.
Benefits of Bow Pose
It strengthens the muscles of the back, abdomen, arms, and legs and also stretching the chest, arms, hips, groin, and thighs.
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
How to do Trikonasana
Stretch your legs at an angle of 45-degree keep your upper body parallel to the floor, straighten the hands in an upward and downward direction and gaze at the hand in the upward direction. Do it again and again.
Benefits of Trikonasana
It improves the function of blood, strengthens and stretches the thighs, legs, hips, and arms, also reduce the Blood pressure level and stress, enhances the digestion and provides flexibility to the body.
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
How to do Pigeon Pose
Sit on the floor or mat, spread your one leg in front and other in backward. Bend your front leg and raise your upper body and keep straight and hold the backward feet.
Benefits of Pigeon Pose
It helps in stretching the hip flexors, stimulates the abdominal part, improves the digestion and enhances the ability to sit in uncomfortable situations.
Upward – Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)
How to do Upward- Facing Dog Pose
Lying on the floor or mat, keep your thighs or lower body on to the floor and raise your upper body, keep your palm at the floor and raise your hand also. Hold it for 30 seconds and repeat it again.
Benefits of Upward Facing Dog Pose
It improves the posture and strengthen the spine, arms, and wrists, stretches the shoulders, chest, and abdomen, tones the buttocks, reduces fatigue, depression, and stress and also helps in Asthma.