Red Tea – An Assamese tradition

Assam is a state of India, producing world’s one of the best quality tea the Assam Tea or also known as the variant Assam. From a black tea to a milked tea 61 percent of the tea consumed in India comes from Assam alone. Rest comes from either Darjeeling or Kerala. You can find tea…

Most common tea is the Black Tea:

You are planning a tea party by the evening. Well, that’s great. Have you invited all of your friends accordingly? If yes, then it’s ok. Have you prepared your lawn accordingly? Yes is the best answer here. Well! Well! You almost have finished whole the preparation required to pep up your party. But have you…

Privacy issue associated with Electronic Medical Records:

‘Good morning Mr. John! How’s your diabetes level now! Have you got it checked properly before your birthday on last week? We are offering a 20% discount on our all products at our lab ABC patho systems. Come to us; get a proper check up and save your hard earned bugs.’ Yes, this was the…

HIPAA and Electronic Medical Records:

The most revolutionary idea in the medical record keeping practice is the introduction of electronic medical records technology. Earlier, before the introduction of electronic medical records system, the records of the patients like their personal details, reports, x-ray reports, scan reports and other billing related information were kept and stored manually. Usually record books and…

Electronic Medical Records: A Layman’s guide.

Everyone has become busier than ever before. Modern engineered and scientific advancements along with the internet have changed the life a lot. Be it the ease of transportation or the communication, everything has reached a level of simplification or near simplification. With these advancements modern life style also has acquired the ease of simplified technologies…

Implementation of EMR software is not an easy task:

To keep track with the fast moving life, you need to add speed to your work. If you are in a medical & health business and recently have decided to use EMR software, then you are just on the right lane. Use of electronic medical records system really can inject the ease of speed along…

Hard side of the EMR software: Hardware you require.

Along with all the sectors, health & medical sector is also experiencing the modern engineered advancement along with the introduction of sophisticated technology like Wi-Fi hotspots. One of the biggest hit technological advancement in the 20th century in the field of health & medical is the introduction of EMR software based record keeping. It has…

Pearl Earrings: The occasional gift.

Christmas is around the corner and so is the New Year eve. Have you planned your schedule accordingly! Have you planned the most awaited gift of the year for your better half accordingly! Have you planned your girl friend’s gift for the New Year eve! If not yet, then you can plan a precious one…

The Certification of EHR software: CCHIT

The latest space news reads ‘water reserves found in Mars’. How can you believe this! Just because the local newspaper reported it! Or you saw the latest update on your regular science and fiction magazine! But why do you believe it? It might be a fake one. Well! The reliability lies on the factor that…

How does EHR differ from EMR!

Almost thirty years back electronic medical records came into being with Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) in the medical sector. This was the primitive stage of EMR forming the EHR. When we say EMR forms EHR, it is confusing. Are they the same thing with different names or they are totally different from each other….

EHR and Clinical Research:

With the improvements in technology, all the sectors now use to serve with modern facilities and the coordination among those facilities. The introduction of EHR HEEHREHRR software based system of medical records in medical sector is such an advancement which coordinates with other area like the decision making by the concerned physician, prescribing drugs, getting…

The best EMR Software: How to choose it wisely!

Boosted speed of communication, boosted speed of transportation, lightening fast life style is the theme of WWW dominated modern life. Yes, these are the factors adding to the fast moving modern life style. But when it comes to the health segment, it is seen that that the services are not as fast as the other…

Implementation of EMR software is not an easy task:

To keep track with the fast moving life, you need to add speed to your work. If you are in a medical & health business and recently have decided to use EMR software, then you are just on the right lane. Use of electronic medical records system really can inject the ease of speed along…

Hard side of the EMR software: Hardware you require.

Along with all the sectors, health & medical sector is also experiencing the modern engineered advancement along with the introduction of sophisticated technology like Wi-Fi hotspots. One of the biggest hit technological advancement in the 20th century in the field of health & medical is the introduction of EMR software based record keeping. It has…

How to get the cup of best Herbal Tea:

If you are looking for the ultimate health benefits from a cup of tea and want to avoid caffeine, the best solution for you is a cup of herbal tea. Herbal tea since is derived from the herbs like young fresh and dry buds, flowers, leaves, roots and sometime also from the barks, is always…

Ginseng Herbal Tea: An Insight.

Tea is always the best sort of beverage accepted worldwide. Different varieties of tea from black tea to white are wide accepted among the tea lovers. And the latest buzz among the tea lovers is the use herbal tea. The herbal tea is getting a response which is growing everyday with the varieties of herbs…

Does your Heart say, A cup of tea please!

To change a mood, to refresh yourself you need a cup of tea. Yes, you need a cup of tea of course. Tea has the important ingredients like vitamins, antioxidants and most importantly caffeine. All these items are essential elements to human. Caffeine is a bitter alkaloid which is responsible for the stimulating effects in human…

A scented cup of Tea from India:

Probably you have come across this fact that India is a well known name when it comes to the tea beverage industry. India is the highest tea exporting country in the world just after China. In the year 2004 China’s production of tea was 25 percent of the total production of tea worldwide and same…

Matcha: The Traditional Japanese Tea.

Among the whole world the Asian countries were first to taste the tea. First nation is China, Second is India and probably the third Asian nation who tasted tea and adopted it to its culture is Japan. Tea came to Japan from China. Japanese tea though has its own varieties yet it started from China….

Green Tea with a difference:

Green Tea is generally a less processed variant among all the types of tea. It undergoes the minimal amount of oxidation during the processing and so is very good for human body. The history of green tea roots in China dated back to the time of great emperor of China Shennong, who was the inventor…